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Pastor Hudson's Blog

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Dr. Alton Pollard III, President of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary has written, "Despite what some critics have said, today’s young people are no less spiritual than their predecessor but live in a time when the loss of faith in social institutions-no less religious ones-is disturbing, understandable, and epidemic . . . To the point, there is a passionate quest for something deeper and more authentic than what often passes for religion in the current generation. If the Black faith community would serve the present age, it requires a far greater commitment to social struggle and a deeper dedication to young people than what is currently the case.


Hearing Dr. Pollard's call for the faith community to engage today's young people and the escalating soical challenges of this age, Rev. Hudson has put pen to paper in this blog to better articulate these challenges. Please read and reflect on the application of spiritual solutions, 


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